Ha lanciato il nostro amico Raul Korso contribuendo a metterne in risalto la potenza fisica, in questi giorni è a Milano per farsi conoscere in Italia e stasera sarà ospite al The Farm per conoscere tutti voi!
Stiamo parlando del fotografo spagnolo Tarek del Moreno e del party più coinvolgente di Milano, evento ufficiale del pepatissimo HustlaBall londinese...
... L'evento, per intenderci, al quale partecipava il ns. amatissimo Harry Louis quando faceva ancora cose pepate... :P
Tarek è fotografo, ma si fa anche fotografare, visto che se lo può permettere come dimostrano le foto. Questa settimana si è divertito a Milano, è qui per farsi conoscere dal pubblico italiano e speriamo di contribuire a farlo conoscere!
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stasera al THE FARM ci sarà anche Spencer Reed! |
Q. Let's speak about your art: why did you start photographing and what do you like to photograph to?A. Well I’ve started with the basic photography since when I was in the Uni, I am an Architect and to be that person, you have to have a good frame view and you have to know how to do the picture a creative picture, but after the architecture and not a long time ago, I’ve started doing landscape photography and play with the colors, with the transparency of those pictures the their items, and then after I’ve started taking pictures of the human, specifically the Muscular guys, then gradually people began to know me under this concept, as the photographer of the Muscular gays...
Actually I feel more comfortable taking pictures of such people, and also send the true image I wanted to BE A GAY. I mean not only to be a bearded girl or a drak queen etc means that you are GAY, NO. With a lot of respect I say that the real image to be a MAN a muscular MALE should also be presented and to be photographed ...Q. Your shots seems to celebrate nudes and male beauty: what do you want to tell us?A. Ok, more or less i will tell the same, to be a GAY means that you like the male body, the mascular vision, SO to show that, means a complet art, in general the human body is beautiful and we should celebrate that beauty, not only in Photography, no, but everywhere and everytime.Q. Do you put a bit of eroticism in your art: what's the "perfect erotic thing" in your mind?A. Sure, almost all my works have that erotic side, from my point of view, I like to should the body naked but not complelty, I mean I like to use parts of the body to cover other parts of the same body in an artistic way, or lately I am using some animal parts to mix it with the human body and so I can cover and show the part I ever I like.
Raul Korso by Tarek D.M. Q. Who's your "perfect" model/body you have photograhped? What's your fav cover?A. The Model is perfect when he knows how to use the beauty of his body in front of the camera, so the good work should be presented by a good model and a good photographer, but I worked with many famous guys, which I really enjoyed to work with them, I enjoyed to show the bodies they have though my Camera, as Damien Crosse, Raul Korso, Martin Mazza, Ernesto Moran, and others.Q. Do you travel a lot for your work? Where do you live? Do you like your country? Is ok for your work?A. Honestly not that much (AT THE MOMENT), I live in Madrid, and it is really a big palce to enjoy my work, I love it, but VERY soon I will have works with guys and party organizations out saide of Spain, and in few days I will be in Milan as well.Q. Nowadays what's the role and significance of photography? What's the point of shoting to the present day?A. Photography is art, and to be a good photographer you should be an artist first then a Photographer, I can say that you can NOT learn to be an artist in a school.The role of photography nowadays is more to produce a nice reslut, an artistic image, not only a model in front the camera and press the button.
Q. Do you work for fashion? What do you think about fashion?A. I do most of the time Male nude photography, fashion and nude doesn't much a lot, but I will start doing fashion shoots with the right model soon, becoz the male fashion world is also a great window of photography, and I think I can be cerative in that as well.Q. Let's speak about art in general: do you have fav artists? Do you have inspiring people in your mind while working?A. There is no special artist in my mind, I like the artistic job, the creative image, doesn't matter who made I always look up for the nice and artistic ideas to reflet what my bring see but in his own style.Q. And what about technology: are we all photographer today?A. The photography is two parts actually: to shoot the person or the view infront of you, -and it is a real art-, and then to reproduce your item by YOUR technology, which is I mean the Computer programs, and the functions of your own camera, the lighting system natural or artificial, etc. All together will produce you the final result.So photography without technology I don’t think it will be that creative thing the models and the people looking for.
Tarek D.M. - contatti: