
Jimi Paradise intervista Ivan Kasaj

In un mondo dove è tutto digitale, qualcuno disegna ancora a mano... In un mondo di moda schizoide qualcuno ricerca ancora lo stile...

Le contraddizioni mi piacciono e non potevo lasciarmi sfuggire questo particolare artista digitale che è già un caso nel settore! Lui è Ivan Kasaj...

D: Hi Ivan, thank's for accepting an intervew from us. Let's speak about your art: what inspired you to start?
R: If we are talking about fashion illustration, so it is to be said, that in every line of my work, the only inspirational source for me is my interest in the world of classic men’s style. I’m not talking about haute couture, more about traditional craftsmanship, that can be seen mostly in italian streets. I always loved this world, so I’m “drawing” my own ideal vision of it!

D: Your works portray so much from fashion world: what do you like to portray and what inspires you most?
R: There are some base lines in my fashion artwork. 
-icons of style is a collection of contemporary men’s fashion icons. All of them are people with unique personal style, that inspires the worldof men’s fashion;
-gents with style is a second collection of portraits dedicated to some of the most emerging style addicts from around the globe which catched my attention in the last years;
-then there is a commercial line of very detailed vector fashion illustrations made on demand for various fashion brands, sites, portals, magazines, blogs, ...
-in the last year I’ve done a lot of “simpler” infographical vectors, which I really enjoyed;
-last but not least, after long long years I’ve decided to move back to watercolor, and you can see some examples of fashion illustrations in aquarell at my Facebook page...

D: Your designs also reflects your fashion style?
R: For sure! I’m an addict too, and I really love to dress well. So i dress how I draw and I draw how I dress...

D: Do you like also comics and sci-fi? I see in your works...
R: Yes, that’s a nice escape from the real world for me. Vintage 50’s & 60’s horror movies are my great passion. I love the low and cheap aesthetics of this movies and from time to time I decide to make an artwork in this style.

Ivan nella boutique milanese di Lino Ieluzzi

D: Some advice to those guys who decide to start this kind of work?
R: Find an illustration agent first!
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About Jimi Paradise

Jimi Paradise vuol dire gossip, celebrità, modelli, bonazzi e tanto, tanto altro...