
Dylan Sprouse è nudo!


E alla fine anche il gemellino della Disney c'è caduto con tutte le senza vestiti ovviamente!!!

Però sapete una cosa, qui non voglio farvi vedere le foto.
Voglio farvi leggere le sue parole:

"First off, I will state that the reason I’m making light of the situation is because I don’t think what I did was wrong. To be blunt, I was proud of my progress in the gym, thought I looked hot, and wanted to share it. I’m of the mindset that whoever you are, if you are proud of your body and want to show it off, so be it! You do you. There is an odd taboo with the human form (especially in the USA) and I don’t particularly think its a good thing to teach people that you should “hide yourself” as something incredibly sacred. Blah blah blah, that’s a medieval notion."

"I was proud of myself and my progress since I was 14 and husky, I’m not proud of this incident’s potential lasting effects on my academic and artistic integrity. But I’m making the best of it through humor and I’m getting this shirt made today:

I figured that if every interaction I have from here on is a chance of them having seen me like this, I may as well just show them anyways heh heh.
P.S. please stop sending me nudes you will not get any in return despite popular evidence"

CLAP CLAP Mr. Sprouse!
Mi levo tanto di mutande di fronte a questa tua stupenda reazione!

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