
#Esclusiva - Intervista all'attore porno Mickey Taylor (english version)


L'intervista di oggi è a uno dei nostri attori porno preferiti: Mickey Taylor. Vogliamo farvelo scoprire nelle sue varie sfaccettature, quelle di cantante per esempio. Mickey Taylor ha appena fatto uscire il suo nuovo singolo DIRTY feat. Aleks Rey e ci dice che degli italiani ama... Scopritelo nell'intervista!


Q: Let's star with a bang: in your VLOG you said that in the LGBT community there is a kind of negativity around physical perfection but you feel instead comfortable with your body even if you have not a BelAmi-one (we think... YOU HAVE! :P ): what kind of message we can send to young guys who do not accept themselves?

A: I think that they just need to appreciate themselves more and be happy with who they are. NONE of us are perfect. And if they have people in there lives bringing them down and making them feel bad then they should adress that problem in there life because no one should make you feel bad about yourself. That person maybe shouldn't be in there life anymore if thats the case.

Q: Why did you start this kind of career?

A: I never wanted to do porn but I'm very glad I decided too. I'm glad I've been able to show something a little different to other guys out there! Its been fun and I love every minute of it. I don't plan on quitting anytime soon.


Q: With whom would you love to work?

A: Ehm... at the moment im not sure i've worked with so many people and they've been people i've asked to work with and then sometimes it hasn't gone well. But then sometimes guys i never thought i would enjoy working have been some of the best work i've ever done. I think i'm happy to work with anyone that if people think we would look hot.

Q: Do you still feel misconceptions about pornstars?

A: Yes i think there are a few. Sometimes we are painted in a bad light. I wish pornstars would have YouTube channels and do more interviews that wern't just about porn so people could see who they really are. 

There are some amazing and talented people out there!


Q: What do you prefer: affection created with fans on social or spicy viewers of live shows?

A: Both. I love speaking online to fans but i love going to parties and events and meeting them too! It's amazing!!

Q: What about your new musical project? In PAIN (amazing song) you say “i can't heal the pain, i find the one who really loves me” for example... We have seen your new video DIRTY (WOW)... Lots of things to say...

A: Haha, thank you! Well thank you! Pain was a song i wrote about an ex boyriend who really treated me bad and i needed to find a way to move on so i used this song and my music to do that. 

Dirty is actually about my fiance and what i like to or want him to do with me in bed. So its like foreplay Haha...


Q: Serious question: Stitch (from Lilo & Stitch) is always with you, what terrible secret binds you?

A: Haha... I always take Stitch with me when i travel or tour. He is something to cuddle when i'm far away from home for a long time so i don't get home sick. 

A secret? Hmmm... I guess one secret could be that i have been planning something amazing for 2016 that i cant wait to show you guys!

Q: What do yuo think about Italy and italian guys?

A: I do not know many italian men. But i love their skin and they have... Amazing bums... Haha!

Q: What can we expect in future from Mickey Taylor?

A: Haha... Well i have some amazing things planned, my album, another song out soon, world sex and music tour. A documentary!! So much!! Haha



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