
Andrej Pejić ha fatto #comingout - Ora è la TRANS Andreja Pejic



Andrej Pejic, classe '91, fotomodello musa di Jean-Paul Gaultier a causa delle sue caratteristiche androgine, ha cambiato sesso: ha aggiunto una A e non solo, ora è TRANSGENDER!

Questo quanto ha rivelato al settimanale People:
"I want to share my story with the world because I think I have a social responsibility," Pejic, 22, tells PEOPLE exclusively. "I hope that by being open about this, it becomes less of an issue...I always dreamt of being a girl," explains the Serbian-born model. "One of my earliest memories is spinning around in my mom's skirt trying to look like a ballerina."
..."about a year and a half ago, I reevaluated things," says Pejic. "I was proud of my gender nonconforming career. But my biggest dream was to be comfortable in my own body. I have to be true to myself and the career is just going to have to fit around that."
E quanto ha aggiunto su

...I went on sort of a boyhood campaign from age 9 to about 13. I tried to be a “normal” boy because I felt like my options were either to be a gay boy or a straight boy. I didn’t feel that I was gay, so I didn’t know that there were any other options until the age of 13, when I went online and discovered that there’s a whole community of trans people out there. There are doctors, there’s medical care, there’s research, and that was an eye-opener for me. From that day on, I knew what I had to do.
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